What is the reason for its lack in our lives? 

Empathy is the ability to understand other people and the ability to sympathize with their feelings and emotions. Empathy, apart from assertiveness, is one of the two basic skills included in what is termed Emotional Intelligence. 

Charismatic people have great empathic abilities. Lack of empathy results from a lack of acceptance and self-confidence. It is also influenced by our upbringing, family home, social circles in which we live, social status, striving for excellence. It can also reflect the degree of nurturing a child receives and the experience of positive thinking. 

What is a way to practice empathy? 

Express empathy for yourself in the first person: I love my skin, my wrinkles, hair, nose, eyes, I accept myself and who I am, I will take care of myself whenever I need to. 

Let’s say to ourselves every day: I love spending my free time with myself and I’m not bored. I appreciate everything I have, and I create my life from what I have – by adjusting the situation to my expectations. When expectations exceed our capabilities, we cannot be happy. And the unhappy person is not empathetic. Empathy is entering into someone else’s situation and fully understanding it …, but …. First, let’s try to fully understand the situation with Love. If you don’t accept it, change it! Don’t expect others to understand your situation when you don’t understand it yourself. Build with what you have. Enjoy the friendship of real and sincere people. If you feel that someone is not a source of positive energy for you, you should probably take a break from them. 

What is empathy in relationships? 

Accepting the other person as they are – without the desire to change them. Lettuce cannot be a rose! A rose cannot be an orange! We need both and the third. That’s why the world needs you too. The way you actually are. I am full of empathy for you, and I want to tell you everything I know so that you can make changes and improve your life. Love the world and all its people. And most of all, be happy! I am sending you my love and remember that you are in the here and now! Why don’t you celebrate that most beautiful gift every day ?! Think of yourself with respect, dignity, and respect. 

How do you rate yourself? 

Now look in the mirror – what would you like others to see in you? What do you see? When others look at you, they should think about your positive qualities. Seeing the good that is within you! A part of you that you often do not see in yourself. Think about this motto in life: How you feel influences how others judge you. How you respect yourself affects others’ respect for you! If you want to be healthy, live like a healthy person. You want to live luxuriously, create a luxurious home. Do you want to be smartly dressed – create your own style. Take care of yourself, it’s free. Dance, sing, paint! Everything you want is within your reach. Do you know what is the most common dream of people? A dream of love! Love knows no age limits. All it needs is grooming. Fall in love! Love and be loved! 

What is emotional hypocrisy? 

Is it self-deception in the first place? It takes emotional energy to live. Why? When you live in truth and have a clear intention, you always feel great. You are able to achieve anything. If your intention is impure, you have many obstacles to achieving any of your goals. This is especially true in the spheres of love, partnership, and business. No matter how hard the road to happiness is in a relationship – in the end it will be wonderful – as long as your intention is pure and clear – flawlessly conceived. 

Feel your true self! 

Remember, always have a clear intention.

More: Kasiaspeak.com